Cubing Club Nyon

“If you are curious, you’ll find the puzzles around you.
If you are determined, you will solve them.”

– Ernő Rubik –


 Our Mission

We will turn the solving of a Rubik’s Cube to a fun activity. Our mission is to provide easy to understand guidance to school teachers, after school organizations, for parents and kids and enable them to benefit of learning future skills with the cube.


You will learn more than how to solve the Rubik’s cube.

Playing with the cube, the world of mathematics, engineering, science and arts will open up to dive into and grow your knowledge every day.


You will turn the cube to scramble and then to solve it.

You will not even realize how soon you will turn to be a « cuber ».



You will shout out loud with that proud on your face: « Solved! » when you achieve your first solve of the cube.

It describes how happy, proud and special you could feel each and every time you will solve the cube.

A Word

From the founders

“Creativity and having fun while solving problems is a key part of our lives with three kids in our family. The cube brought colors into our life, and that’s why we thought about creating a cubing club. So we can help kids and teenagers learn future skills. In other words, exploring STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and Arts. In addition they would step into a welcoming cubing community. It is also important for us to teach adults because it helps to keep their mind fit. We are excited to help you on the journey towards a playful, fun and skillful cubing experience.”

– Mária & Csaba

quintillion positions

sec - fastest solve in the world

sides with different colors

years of fun worldwide

and only one solution

maximum moves to solve

Get In Touch

We are based in Nyon, Switzerland

You can send us an e-mail to [email protected]


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